作者:城市学习网 来源:xue.net 更新日期:2007-12-1
人类瞬时记忆的有限性,可以用速记方式加以弥补。新托福考试增加的口语部分就允许考生在听、读的同时作些笔记。这对考生在紧张的状态下产生的“听时明白听后忘;读时明白读完忘”的现象确实是一个有益的帮助。快而准的笔记能帮助考生准确地回忆 刚刚读到、听到的内容,进而使考生能用恰当的语言准确地回答问题以取得满意的成绩。因而,培养一种高效的速记能力在新托福考试中不仅显得至关重要,而且势在必行。
Symbol Meaning → go on, continue, last, lead to, cause, result in, make, produce, stretch, develop, to the right ← come from, result from, go back, withdraw, shorten, to the left ↑ go up, increase, rise, raise, get up, arise, evaporate, fly ↓ go down, decrease, lower, reduce, decline, sediment, save up, deposit ∵ because ∴ so, therefore, thus + plus, and also, in addition - minus × times = equal, equal to, is ≠ not equal, not equal to, is not ~ about, approximately, probably, more or less > larger than, bigger than, greater than, more than < smaller than, less than % percent ∕ per # number & and, @ at, each § section ? question $ dollar, money, cost, price ¥ RMB(人民币) pound(英镑) ℃ Centigrade ℉ Fahrenheit ? copy right registered " trade mark eo Euro(欧元) p page ? paragraph no. number ft foot, feet 2 to, two, too ht height wt weight w/ with(something) w/o without w/i within i.e. that is e.g. for example, for instance, like, such as etc. et cetera, so on , so forth b/c because b/f before esp. especially min. minimum max. maximum govt government asap as soon as possible rt right wrt write yr year, yrs years vs versus ans answer diff difference, different
In 1337, a terrible war began between England and France, and this war continued for almost a hundred years.
记录:1337,E war F → 100yrs