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  导航:首页 - 卫生类英语词汇选项(一)

作者:城市学习网 来源:xue.net 更新日期:2007-12-19 阅读次数:
1. We should not complain about taxes.
A) feel unhappy
B) say bad things
C) care
D) praise
2. What were the effects of the decision she made?
A) reasons
B) results
C) causes
D) bases
3.People don't realize how serious this recession has actually been.
A) know
B) think
C) doubt
D) remember
4.First editions of certain popular books cannot be obtained for love or money.
A) at any place
B) at any price
C) in any language
D) in any country
5. About a quarter of the workers in the United States are employed in factories.
A) third
B) fourth
C) tenth
D) fifteenth
6. In a bullfight, it is movement, not the color, of subjects that arouses the bull.
A) confuses
B) excites
C) scares
D) diverts
7.Passenger ships and planes are often equipped with ship-to-shore or air-to-land radio telephones.
A) highways
B) railroads
C) sailboats
D) aircraft
8. The firemen acted quickly because lives were at stake
A) in danger
B) in despair
C) out of condition
D) out of danger
9.Mary called me up very late last night.
A) shouted at me
B) visited me
C) telephoned me
D) waked me
10. Mary gets up at the same time every morning.
A) arises
B) raises
C) arrives
D) stands up

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