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  导航:首页 - 英语作文范文七:外来移民子女教育

作者:城市学习网 来源:xue.net 更新日期:2008-2-22 阅读次数:
7.Education For China’s Migrant Children 外来移民(农民工)子女教育问题


  Despite China’s educational achievement, migrant children in our country’s big cities are struggling to find a place in school. It’s estimated that only 40 per cent of migrant children between five and twelve attend school in Beijing, while in some migrant communities in Shanghai, only 20 to 30 per cent of children go to school.

  This problem is rooted in the country –to–city migration beginning in 1979 . As many migrants cannot get temporary residence permits in the place where they are living, their children can tot enroll in city schools due to their temporary status. And the unlicensed schools, which struggle to provide schooling for an estimated 100 000 migrant children, are far from adequate. Though the government decreed that it is unlawful to deny entrance to migrant children. But the local schools often charge very high tuition fees, which most migrant parents cannot afford.

  It’s urgent to solve the problems, for the children will make the major labor force when they grow up, and their education will make great difference for our country’s future. But to solve the problem calls for the concerted efforts of the whole society. On the one hand , the government should initiate programs to develop the poor areas . On the other hand, all citizens should get rid of their biases against the “floating population” and show sincere concern for the less advantaged.

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