作者:kitty 来源:城市学习网 更新日期:2009-11-16
一、 General concept of Marine Bills of Lading 海运提单的一般概念 (考试重点) 1-1 课文:Marine Bills of lading are used primarily in international sales of goods where the carriage of goods is by sea. 注释:marine bills of lading: 海运提单 primarily: 首先,起初,主要地 international sales of goods: 国际货物的销售 carriage: 运输 课文意思:海运提单主要用于国际货物销售的海上运输中。 1-2 课文:Definitions of the Bill of Lading vary from country to country. Broadly, the bill of lading has been defined as receipt for goods shipped on board a ship, signed by the person (or his agent) contracts to carry them, and stating the terms on which the goods were delivered to and received by the ship.(海运提单的定义,掌握) 注释:definition: 定义 vary from: 不同 broadly: 宽广地,广泛, 总体而言 on board: 在船上 stating: 陈述,申明 课文意思:每个国家对于提单的定义各有不同。总体而言,提单是货物装船的收据;它由达成货物运输协议的承运人签字,上有货物送到船上及被船方接收的条款。 1-3 课文:It is not the actual contract, but forms excellent evidence of the terms of the contract. 注释:actual: 实际的,真实的 excellent: 极好的,卓越的 evidence: 证据,凭证 课文意思:提单不是实际的合同,但却构成据以履行合同条款极好的保证。 我国《海商法》对提单的定义:提单,是指用以证明海上货物运输合同和货物已经由承运人接收或者装船,以及承运人保证据以交付货物的单证。提单中载明的向记名人交付货物,或者按照指示人的指示交付货物,或者向提单持有人交付货物的条款,构成承运人据以交付货物的保证。