作者:kitty 来源:城市学习网 更新日期:2009-11-16
二、Functions of the Marine Bills of Lading 海运提单的作用 海洋提单的三个作用(考试重点) 1.Receipt for the goods shipped 货物装船的收据 课文:A bill of lading is a receipt issued by a carrier that an identifiable consignment of goods has been received by him for shipment, or actually loaded on board his ship. 注释:receipt: 收据 issue: 签发 carrier: 承运人 identifiable: 可以确认的 consignment: (货物的)交托,交货,发货,运送 课文意思: 提单是由承运人签发的有关承运人已接管提单所明确记载的货物或将货物装船的证明。 课文:The bill of lading as a receipt will show the quantity and condition of the cargo loaded, ship’s name, port of loading, the destination, details of date and so on. 注释:condition: 条件,环境 ,情形 destination: 目的地 details: 详细资料 and so on: 等等 课文意思:提单作为收据将会列明所装载货物的数量和情况,船舶的名称,装运港,目的地,以及详细的日期等等。 2.Document of title to the goods. 货物的物权凭证 课文:A bill of lading is a document of title to the goods. The possession of a bill of lading is equivalent in law to possession of the goods. 注释:document of title: 物权凭证 possession:所有,所有权,持有,占有 equivalent: 相等的,相当的,同意义的 课文意思:提单是货物的物权凭证。持有提单在法律上等同于持有货物。 课文:The holder of the bill of lading is able to obtain delivery of the goods at the port of destination and during transit the goods can be sold merely by endorsing the bill of lading. 注释:holder: 持有者,所有者 be able to: 能够 obtain: 获得,得到 port of destination:目的港 transit: 运输,运送 merely: 仅仅,只不过 endorse: 背书,在(票据)背面签名,认可 课文意思:提单的持有者可以在目的港提取货物并且在货物的运输期间可以仅仅通过背书提单将货物卖掉。 3.Evidence of contract 合同的证明 课文:Additionally, the terms of the bill of lading provide evidence of the contract of carriage between the carrier and the shipper. The terms of the bill of lading contain the terms of the contract. 注释:additionally: 另外,加之,又 term: 条款 provide: 提供,规定 evidence: 证据,证明 课文意思:另外,提单的条款也为承运人与托运人之间运输合同提供了证明。提单的条款包含了合同中的条款。