作者:kitty 来源:城市学习网 更新日期:2009-11-16
特点: 1.Received for shipment bills state that the goods have been received for shipment, and do not indicate the actual date of loading. 收货待运提单表明货物已经收货待运,但是不显示实际的装载日期。(注释:indicate: 指出,显示) 2.The received for shipment bill of lading grew up because with the development of the liner services it became the custom for the shipowner to receive the cargo some hours or even days before it was actually loaded. 收货待运提单因班轮运输业务的发展而成长起来的并逐渐成为惯例,船东在实际装载期之前几个小时甚至几天收到货物。(注释:grow up:成长,发展 development: 发展 liner services: 班轮运输业务 ) 3-5 Direct Bills of Lading 直达提单 特点:Direct bills of lading are those covering shipments between direct ports of loading or discharge. 直达提单是货物从装运港直接运至目的港卸货的提单。(货物从装货港受载后,中途不经换船,直接运至目的港卸船交付货物的提单) 3-6 Through Bills of Lading 联运提单 特点: 1.Through bills of lading cover shipment from or to ports involving transport by two or more shipping or railways companies. 联运提单是由两个或者两个以上的海运或铁路运输公司负责货物从或者至多个港口间的运输。(注释:involve: 包括,涉及 shipping company: 海运公司 railways:铁道,铁路) 2.The shipping company, for additional freight, undertakes to make all arrangements to get the goods to their destination. 海运公司将承担额外的运费保证货物到达目的地。(注释:additional:额外的,附加的 undertake: 承担,保证 arrangement: 安排 ) 3-7 Clean versus Foul Bills of Lading 清洁提单和不清洁提单 1.Clean bill of lading 清洁提单 课文:The clean bill of lading bears an indication that the goods were received without damages, irregularities or short shipment, usually the words “apparent good order and condition”, “clean on board” or the like are indicated on the B/L. 清洁提单载明货物受货时无损坏,无异常或无短装现象,通常提单上注明“货物外表状态良好”,“清洁已装船”或类似的字样。(注释:damage: 损坏 irregularity: 异常 short shipment: 短装 clean on board: 清洁已装船 indicate: 显示,表明) 2.Foul Bills of Lading 不清洁提单 课文:The foul bill of lading - unclean bill of lading, dirty bill of lading or claused bill of lading -is the opposite of the clean bill of lading. It bears an indication that the goods were received with damages, irregularities or short shipment, usually the words “unclean on board” or the like are indicated on the B/L, for example, “insufficient packing”, “missing safety seal” and “one carton short”. 不清洁提单是与清洁提单相对立的提单。提单上载明货物受货时有损坏,有异常或短装,通常会标注“不清洁已装船”或类似的字样,比如“包装不良”,“缺少安全封条”或“一箱短装”等字样。(注释:opposite: 相对的,对立的,相反的 insufficient packing: 包装不良 safety seal: 安全封条 carton: 纸箱)