“Taiwan independence” and cross-Strait peace and stability are as incompatible as water and fire。 Those who connive at and support “Taiwan independence” separatist forces will get burned for playing with fire and taste the bitter fruit of their own doing。 We urge the US side to immediately end any form of official exchanges and military contact with Taiwan, stop arming Taiwan, and fulfill its commitment of not supporting “Taiwan independence” with concrete actions。 The PLA will stay on high alert, firmly safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity and resolutely smash “Taiwan independence” separatist activities and external interfering attempts。
- 1居民吐槽小区似墓地吓得不敢出门
- 2湖北省宜昌市兴山县突发山体岩石崩塌致7人死亡
- 385度C回应三明治内番茄长毛
- 4金融管理部门公布重磅“罚单” 释放三大信号
- 5龙舟被写满“咒语” 警方介入调查
- 6台军演习沙滩惊现“战车配比基尼”……
- 7北京暴雨已致2死 居民目睹有人昏迷
- 8赵昌华已经担任司法部党组成员、副部长
- 9被围攻的中级车市场,谁能拿下新一轮定价权?
- 10聂宝华下线了
- 11金融“旋转门”腐败:离职官员,被企业抢着要
- 12夫妻攒百万想给40年没见的女儿
- 13张子枫十九届华表奖优秀女演员
- 14专家:新冠二次感染风险正逐渐增加/a>
- 15雷诺持续收缩在华业务
- 16女孩为爱减肥去世:体重24.8公斤
- 17“港车北上”正式实施
- 18大运村里的“熊猫热”
- 19中印举行第十九轮军长级会谈
- 20俄罗斯多地遭攻击 24小时内上百次